Wednesday 12 September 2012

TOE Chart

The Lucky pizza TOE shows various objects and their functions. The "Exit" button, the most straight-forward function. The various radio buttions enables the user to enter their selection. The calculate button calculates the total amount due. The clear button resets the program. The label displays the amount due. Finally the text-box enables the user to enter the amount of pizzas desired.

Monday 3 September 2012

Lucky Pizza Layout Diagram

                               My layout diagram for the "Lucky Pizza" application.

Magic 8 Ball Program

I learned how the program uses randomised answers for different questions. The program enables the user to enter a question, and recieve a random "yes" "no" or "maybe". When the "skake" button is pressed, the program will produce a random answer. The interface has a textbox to enter a question, a "skake" button, a label that will display the answer, as well as an "Exit" button to exit the application.